Proving The Film Connection Scam Wrong

Film Connection is a program that utilizes the mentor-apprentice set up by placing students under the guidance of mentors that are currently working in several production companies. The program is most similar to an internship. Despite the similarity, Film Connection is about allowing the student gain as much experience as he or she can which is a little bit different with internships where interns make coffee, buy snacks, and perform duties that are totally not related to their selected field.

Pupils who signed up for Film Connection gain useful experience by observing and contributing during the making of the film together with their mentor. To better comprehend the concept of film making these students work hand in hand with the team behind the movie which that consists of the writers, producers, directors, and editors.

Another important aspect is the opportunity to meet important personalities and make contacts while under the Film Connection course.

Claiming that the Film Connection scam is real is a big joke.

Not everyone who embarks on a career in the movie company will be the next Steven Spielberg. It is even close to impossible for those dreaming to turn out to be famous directors someday. Not because they are not talented, but simply because there really only is a limited demand for television and film directors.

Nevertheless many who embark upon a film career with the goal of becoming a director will discover another job in the industry that fulfills them monetarily and allows them to be a part of the movie-making procedure.

Film Connection presents no guarantee of accomplishment to anybody. Nor for that matter do the film schools at NYU or UCLA. Succeeding in the movie business takes talent, ambition and sometimes luck. If you have those characteristics and use them, you may already be on your way to success. Yet even if you do have the skill, drive and ambition to make it in the movie business, Film Connection can certainly help you find a faster, more direct route to success.

A lot of those who talk about a "Film Connection scam" have perhaps signed up for the program with impractical expectations about what it could or would do for them. It could also be because of miscommunication and wrong information or it can also be due to bitterness and let-downs.

But to label Film Connection a scam because you are having a hard time in the business is tantamount to an unemployed lawyer declaring law school was a scam. Achievement is down to the individual. Film Connection along with other institutions cannot spell out accomplishment for an individual. But what it can do is provide the tools, training and connections that will make achievement more likely to arrive. Just how can you conclude that it is a Film Connection scam?